Building an Azure Synapse Studio Data Pipeline for Profit Calcuation Analysis

Building an Azure Synapse Studio Data Pipeline for Profit Calcuation Analysis


2 min read

In this project, I'll walk through the process of creating a Azure Synapse Studio data pipeline focused on calculating total profits from the classic Superstore dataset, sourced from Tableau. Our goal is to obtain region-wise profit insights, specifically after filtering out the returned orders.

  1. Superstore Dataset Overview

The Superstore dataset comprises two essential sheets:

Orders Sheet: Records order transactions and key columns include order_id, region, and profit.

Returns Sheet: Documents returned orders, listing them by order_id.


  1. Diagram

  2. Project Steps

    3.1 Blob Storage Layers

    To adhere to a structured approach, adopting the Medallion Architecture best practices for data management, I establish three folders in this project:

    - Bronze (Raw): Stores raw data manually uploaded by the user.

    - Silver: Utilizes the Synapse Copy Data function to transform XLS files into Parquets.

    - Gold: After a series of data transformations, a final Parquet file is created.

    3.2 Synapse Copy Data

    Set the bronze folder path as the "Source" and the silver folder as the "Sink" with a Parquet format.

    3.3 Data Transformation

    Leverage the power of the Synapse Spark Notebook for joining and cleansing datasets. A simplified logic:

    3.3.1 Read Parquet from Silver Layer

     silver_folder_path = ""
     orders_df ="{silver_folder_path}/orders") 
     returns_df ="{silver_folder_path}/returns")

    3.3.2 Join both files and fill null with "no" in the returned column

     join_df = orders_df.join(returns_df, "order_id", "left")
     join_df ='no', subset=['returned'])

    3.3.3 Check schema and casting before outputting the results.

     join_df = join_df.withColumn('profit', col('profit').cast('double'))
     join_df = join_df.withColumn('sales', col('sales').cast('double'))

    3.3.4 Output Results to Gold Layer and create a Database in Lake Database

     LOCATION "abfss://"

    3.4 Query result in Lake Database

    Write a SQL query to select order_id where the return status is 'no' and calculate the sum of profit by region. This step enables us to derive valuable insights from the Superstore dataset, focusing on profitable transactions.

  3. Conclusion

By following these steps, you'll build a comprehensive Azure Synapse Studio data pipeline, enabling efficient analysis and visualisation of Superstore data, with a specific focus on regional profits.